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Why did the BJP not get a majority in Karnataka?

  Bangaluru/Karnataka. BJP has not got majority in Karnataka in any assembly election so far. Every time BJP falls short of just majority. This is mainly because the state is experiencing three cornered contest always. Also all the three parties have been power at one time or the other in the state.
  Earlier when JDS was united and Siddaramiah and Hegde were in JDS, the party had the support of Vokkaligar, OBCs including Kurubas who form 9%, minority and forward class. Even Lingayats too have been supporting the party. Hence the party won twice with clear majority and formed minority Government once and coalition Government three times. Once Siddaramiah left JDS and joined Congress, Congress started getting majority. Though Yeddiyurappas forming his own party is the reason for Congress party’s coming to power, if Siddaramiah were to have been in JDS even in 2013 we would have seen a hung house.
  All the three parties have the backing of powerful castes making it impossible for any to get majority. BJP has the backing of forward class (6%) and Lingayats, (21%) a section of dalits (we call Left Hand) (6%), Congress have the support of minority (16%), dalits (right hand) (6%), Vokkaligas (16%) and Backward class (20%).. JDS is having the support of Vokkaligas (16%) and minorities (16%). While OBC votes gets distributed between all the three parties Congress polls majority of the votes. In the same way while Vokkaliga votes are polled by all the three JDS polls most of these votes. Minority votes gets distributed between Congress and JDS. This division is enabling no party to get majority. If BJP has to get majority they should consolidate all the Hindus together. Also BJP is the only party which has the possibility of getting majority.

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