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Groom rejected by his prospective bride's family due to his low CIBIL score

   In an unusual twist, a groom from Murtizapur in Maharashtra's Akola was rejected by his prospective bride's family due to his low CIBIL score.
  The shock came just before finalising the wedding. The groom's credit history became a deciding factor when the bride's uncle insisted on checking his CIBIL score during a final meeting between the two families.
Marriege is cancel due to low civil score
  According to the Times of India, the bride's family was reportedly shocked to find that the groom had multiple loans from different banks, along with a low CIBIL score. A low score indicates a poor credit history, often reflecting irregular payments, defaults on loans, and financial instability.
  The CIBIL score, which ranges from 300 to 900, is a critical measure of an individual's creditworthiness.
A higher score signifies a strong financial standing, while a lower score indicates potential issues with managing debt and finances. It is often used by lenders to assess a person's ability to repay loans.

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